

Clover IIIF is designed to allow for rapid creation of web content translated from IIIF resources. The following is quick step-by-step guide to get you up and running with Clover IIIF.

Creating a Work page

In this tutorial, we will install Clover IIIF and compose a "Work" page representing a IIIF Manifest for Northwestern Football vs. Illinois, 1950 (opens in a new tab).

Install package

Add the following dependency to your project:

npm install @samvera/clover-iiif

Create file

Create a file called Work.jsx in your project and add the following:

Define component

Import React. Define and export a functional component named Work that renders an empty <article> element.

import React from "react";
const Work = () => {
  return <article></article>;
export default Work;

Add Viewer

As an initial step, define a constant manifestId that points to the IIIF Manifest for Northwestern Football vs. Illinois, 1950 (opens in a new tab). Then, add a <Viewer> component to the Work component that renders the IIIF Manifest. If your react application is running in your browser, you should see the Clover IIIF viewer.

Viewer Docs
import React from "react";
import Viewer from "@samvera/clover-iiif/viewer";
const Work = () => {
  const manifestId =
  return (
      <Viewer iiifContent={manifestId} />
export default Work;

Add Manifest Content

Next, we add the IIIF Primitives components to the Work component to render the IIIF Manifest content.

This requires fetching the IIIF Manifest and passing it to the components. The following code snippet demonstrates how to fetch the IIIF Manifest in a useEffect hook, set the manifest in state, and pass the manifest properties to the IIIF Primitives components.


While the Viewer and Slider components are designed for both the IIIF Presentation API 2.x and 3.0, the Primitives components, e.g., Label, Summary, Metadata, are limited to the IIIF Presentation API 3.0. If this is an issue, you can use @iiif/parser (opens in a new tab) for conversion.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Viewer from "@samvera/clover-iiif/viewer";
import {
} from "@samvera/clover-iiif/primitives";
const Work = () => {
  const [manifest, setManifest] = useState();
  const manifestId =
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      const response = await fetch(manifestId);
      const json = await response.json();
  }, [manifestId]);
  if (!manifest) return <></>;
  return (
      <Viewer iiifContent={manifestId} />
        <Label label={manifest.label} as="h1" />
        <Summary summary={manifest.summary} as="p" />
        <Metadata metadata={manifest.metadata} />
        <RequiredStatement requiredStatement={manifest.requiredStatement} />
        <PartOf partOf={manifest.partOf} />
        <SeeAlso seeAlso={manifest.seeAlso} />
        <Homepage homepage={manifest.homepage} />
export default Work;

Add Slider

Finally, we add the Slider component to render the IIIF Collection that this Manifest is part of. We also need to import the swiper CSS files for baseline styling.

Slider Docs
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import Viewer from "@samvera/clover-iiif/viewer";
import {
} from "@samvera/clover-iiif/primitives";
import Slider from "@samvera/clover-iiif/slider";
import "swiper/css";
import "swiper/css/navigation";
import "swiper/css/pagination";
const Work = () => {
  const [manifest, setManifest] = useState();
  const manifestId =
  const collectionId = manifest?.partOf[0].id;
  useEffect(() => {
    (async () => {
      const response = await fetch(manifestId);
      const json = await response.json();
  }, [manifestId]);
  if (!manifest) return <></>;
  return (
      <Viewer iiifContent={manifestId} />
        <Label label={manifest.label} as="h1" />
        <Summary summary={manifest.summary} as="p" />
        <Metadata metadata={manifest.metadata} />
        <RequiredStatement requiredStatement={manifest.requiredStatement} />
        <PartOf partOf={manifest.partOf} />
        <SeeAlso seeAlso={manifest.seeAlso} />
        <Homepage homepage={manifest.homepage} />
      <Slider iiifContent={collectionId} />
export default Work;


In this tutorial, we installed Clover IIIF and composed an unstyled "Work" page representing a IIIF Manifest. The completed code covered in these steps is available in a CodeSandbox (opens in a new tab).

Experiment with the CodeSandbox