We’re excited to announce that Hyku 5.0 has been released! This one took awhile because it has lots to offer:
Groups with Roles. Sponsored by the Hyku for Consortia project, their work to enhance Groups is now in base Hyku. In addition to fixing general Groups functionality in Hyku, roles assigned to a group will also be given to users in that group, each with different permissions. Some created roles include:
Analytics. Sponsored by the Oregon Digital project and brought into Hyku by Hyku for Consortia, Hyku can now be linked to a Google Analytics account and provides exportable reporting on content and usage in a customizable date range.
Hyrax Upgrade. Hyku has been updated from Hyrax 2.9.6 to 3.5.0.
Favicon. The Appearance dashboard now offers the option to upload a custom favicon per tenant.
Graph Nested Indexer. Administrators can now use Solr graph queries to skip having to do nested indexing. This speeds up adding and editing items to large collections substantially.
See the latest release notes for more details, including quite a long list of bug fixes and dependency updates.
What does Hyku 5.0 mean for your project? Interested in learning more about Hyku? Join us for the next Hyku Interest Group call! We welcome users, developers, and anyone just curious to listen in and learn more about this solution. Join Samvera Slack workspace, and check out videos of Hyku in action on the Hyku YouTube channel.