Last Fall, the University of Virginia announced a benchmark project in the promotion of Hyku as a robust institutional repository platform. A $1,000,000 award from the Arcadia charitable fund will allow for two years work in support of the project partnership with University of Virginia, Ubiquity Press, and the British Library, “Advancing Hyku: Open Source Institutional Repository Platform Development.” The intention of the partnership is to introduce structural improvements and other new features to the Hyku platform.

“We are looking forward to working with the Hyku community throughout the Advancing Hyku project, and hope to have a project post in place in the coming months that will be our main point of contact,” says Rachael Kotarski, Head of Research Infrastructure Services at The British Library. “We’ve also recently learned that our Hyku workshop proposal for Open Repositories 2020 has been accepted, and we’d love to see some of you there!”

Goals outlined in the announcement from the University of Virginia include making Hyku a more robust option by:

  • Integrating open-resource discovery tools (e.g. Unpaywall, Open Access Button) to automatically scale repository contents.
  • Adding metrics to indicate usage of contents (e.g. citations, social media).
  • Connecting and syncing with author identification and profile services (e.g. ORCID).
  • Encouraging interaction with contents through in-browser display, visualization and annotation.
  • Establishing pathways to long-term preservation services.
  • Assessing requirements and jointly creating detailed, component-specific development plans, resulting in the collaborative development of new capabilities.

All code will be merged with the open-source Hyku codebase in accordance with the best practices of the Samvera Community.

Read the original announcement at the University of Virginia Library’s site.

Source: Farish, Mitch. “Hyku Open Source Institutional Repository Development partnership awarded $1M Arcadia grant to improve open scholarship infrastructure.” University of Virginia Library, 15 Oct. 2019,