Earlier this year, in July of 2019, PALCI (the Pennsylvania Academic Library Consortium, Inc.) and PALNI (the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana) were awarded a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to develop the Hyku repository software into a meaningful solution for library consortia. The project team will periodically make updates to this blog on our progress, and we’d like to start with an introduction to the project and a glimpse into what we envision for the future.
The collaboration between PALCI and PALNI began more than a year ago. In 2017, PALCI and PALNI engaged members of the International Coalition of Library Consortia (ICOLC) in meetings at the American Library Association Midwinter and ICOLC Detroit conferences to discuss consortial IR needs where over thirty consortia expressed interest in collaborative IR efforts. After discussions with other consortia, and having completed an extensive environmental scan, the partners identified Hyku to have the highest long-term potential as an affordable, scalable consortial solution.
Read more about the goals of this grant project at the Hyku for Consortia blog.
Source: Orem, Joelle. “End of 2019.” Hyku for Consortia, 30 Dec. 2019, www.hykuforconsortia.org/2019/12/30/end-of-2019/