The Hydra-in-a-Box technical team’s sprint 3 demo – showing deployment to Amazon Web Services, multi-tenancy, the configuration user interface, and Sufia’s new batch upload workflow – is now available:

This sprint was the first in which we collaborated closely with developers from another Samvera community member; Penn State is committing development cycles to Hydra-in-a-Box sprints for the remainder of April and May, concentrating on the Sufia 7.0.0 release. It’s safe to say based on how much we got done this week that the collaboration was a smash hit and we’re eager to work with more of you in the coming months.

In addition to the work of the technical team, our other teams have been busy as well.

The design team has been composing personas and systematically recording functional and technical requirements from a variety of sources in addition to those that emerged from our community survey and user interviews. The LDCX unconference provided us the opportunity to do a deep dive into administrative dashboard requirements, in particular, which we’ll be cross-referencing with the requirements we’ve thus far gathered from the community.

The data modeling team led a session at LDCX on the data modeling work we’ve been doing for Hydra-in-a-Box, where we collected a treasure trove of community input and decided as a group that the Hydra-in-a-Box data model is essentially the same as the Hydra::Works data model.

We’re happy to report that our presentation proposals for “Designing Hydra-in-a-Box” and “A Peek Inside the Box: Technology, Architecture, and Community Engagement to Tame the Hydra” were accepted for the general track at Open Repositories 2016. We hope to see you in the audience in Dublin this June.

As always, questions and feedback are most welcome!