
Fedora Commons Helm Chart

Fedora is the flexible, modular, open source repository platform with native linked data support.


helm repo add fcrepo https://samvera-labs.github.io/fcrepo-charts
helm install fcrepo

Or from local

helm dep up chart/fcrepo
helm install fcrepo chart/fcrepo

Release a new version


By default, this chart deploys with Postgresql as the backend for Fedora. Without other configuration, it will deploy a new Postgresql instance/database as a service available to the fcrepo deployment.

In practice, users may want to forego installing postgres for two reasons:

First, when you are deploying Fedora into a more complex application environment you may wish to reuse an existing Postgres instance already maintained with that environment.

In this case, fcrepo should be deployed with postgresql explictly disabled, but externalPostgresql.host or global.postgresql.postgresqlHost set to your upstream value. externalPostgresql.password and externalPostgresql.username or global.postgresql.auth.password and global.postgresql.auth.username can be used as needed depending on your set up. If both externalPostgresql.password and global.postgresql.auth.password are set, then externalPostgresql.password is used as an override. This is usually done in the context of a parent chart which provides the postgresql instance, for example:

  enabled: true
  servicePort: 8080
    enabled: false
    host: someurl.rds.amazonaws.com
    username: yourUser # Optional, may be defined globally
    password: wouldntyouliketoknow  # Optional, may be defined globally

Second, because they want to use another backend for Fedora. This use case is broadly unsupported here. In theory, you can get a default (Infinispan) configuration by setting postgresql.enabled to false. THIS CONFIGURATION IS NOT SUPPORTED AT THIS TIME:

helm install --set postgresql.enabled=false fcrepo-test chart/fcrepo


If binary storage in S3 is desired, then please specify the following values

  enabled: true

This will enable S3 support, which is only supported in Fcrepo 4.7.5+